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Tamagotchi Connection (Version 1)
The Tamagotchi Connection, also known as the Tamagotchi Plus (かえってきた!たまごっちプラス Kaettekita! Tamagotchi Purasu, literally “It’s Back! Tamagotchi Plus” in Japan), the Tamagotchi Connexion in Europe and Asia, and Come Back! Tamagotchi Plus in Korea, marked the first modern release of the Tamagotchi virtual pet. Bandai initially launched it in Japan on March 20, 2004, followed by a North American release on August 15, 2004. After the subsequent release of the Tamagotchi Connection Version 2, this model became informally referred to as the Tamagotchi Connection Version 1.
The Tamagotchi Connection introduced Tamacom, a groundbreaking Infrared feature that enabled communication between two Tamagotchi pets. This innovation allowed users to engage in games, exchange presents, and even produce offspring between their virtual pets. The device featured a roster of characters drawn from both versions of the original Tamagotchi (1996) and Mesutchi and Osutchi (1997), while also introducing several new characters to the Tamagotchi universe.

The Tamagotchi Connection was bigger than the first Tamagotchis. It was the same size as some older toys called Mesutchi and Osutchi. It had a bigger screen with smaller dots, making pictures that were 32 dots wide and 30 dots tall. On top of the device, there is a special spot for the infrared light to work. The hole for the keychain was on the right side. In Japan and some other countries, it came with a ball chain to attach it. In the US, it had a different kind of chain and a key ring. Like older Tamagotchis, it had a black-and-white screen with a printed background.
The Tamagotchi Connection started a new look for Tamagotchis. This look stayed the same until they made the Tamagotchi Plus Color in Japan and the TamaTown Tama-Go for other countries. Other Tamagotchis like Version 2, Music Star, and one called Oden-Kun all looked the same. Later Tamagotchis were about the same size and shape, but some had an extra part on the left side, like an antenna.

Far away in space, there’s a special planet called Tamagotchi Planet. It’s full of cute little creatures called Tamagotchi. They’re very curious about other worlds, especially a planet called Earth.
One day, the Tamagotchi decided to send some of their babies to Earth. They wanted to learn about humans and see what it was like to be cared for by them. So they put their babies in small egg-shaped spaceships and sent them off to Earth. When the eggs landed on Earth, humans found them. Inside each egg was a baby Tamagotchi. The humans were excited to take care of these alien pets.
The Tamagotchi grow from babies into adults if the humans take good care of them. They need to be fed, played with, and kept happy and healthy. Some grown-up Tamagotchi go back home to Tamagotchi Planet. Others decide to stay on Earth. They can even make friends with other Tamagotchi and have baby Tamagotchi of their own.
Every day, new Tamagotchi eggs come to Earth. They’re ready for humans to care for them and be their friends. It’s a fun adventure for both the Tamagotchi and the humans who look after them.
Watch a commercial for Tamagotchi Connection:
The Tamagotchi Connection came out in different versions over a few years, each one a bit fancier than the last. They started in 2004 with Version 1 (V1), which let you connect your Tamagotchi to others.
In 2005, they came out with Version 2 (V2), and then Version 3 (V3) in 2006. These early ones kept adding new stuff to do with your digital pet.
In 2007, they released Version 4 (V4), which looked better and had more things to do. Later that year, they made Version 4.5 (V4.5), which was just a bit better than V4. Then in 2008, they came out with Version 5 (V5), which had a “Celebrity” theme. They also made a special version of this called Version 5 Celebrity (V5 Celebrity).
The last big one was Version 6 (V6) in 2009, which they called the “Music Star” version. This one was all about music. From 2004 to 2009, Bandai kept changing and improving these toys to keep kids interested. They wanted to make sure people didn’t get bored with Tamagotchi.

The Tamagotchi Connection features 10 icons, adding 2 new functions to the 8 found in earlier releases. These new functions are Communication (the fifth icon, shaped like a heart with radio waves) and Friends List (the ninth icon, shaped like an open book). During initial setup, users must input the current date and their birthday. Additionally, users are required to name their Tamagotchi when it’s born or when a new generation begins.
The device tracks care quality in 2 categories: physical and emotional. Physical health is affected by failing to address hunger, illness or misbehavior, while emotional health is impacted by responses to happiness, sleep disturbances or upset states. The balance between physical and emotional care influences which characters can be obtained.
The Meter icon has been redesigned. The first screen displays Hungry and Happy heart statuses, the second shows the Training Meter, the third presents Age, Weight, and Name, and the fourth screen indicates Gender and Generation of the Tamagotchi.
As in classic Tamagotchi, food is divided into Meal and Snack options. Meals increase one Hungry heart and raise weight by 1, while Snacks fill 1 Happy heart and increase weight by 2. Food options evolve as the Tamagotchi grows, with each adult having unique foods that may vary between regions.
The Tamagotchi Connection Version 1 introduced multiple games and prevented gameplay if a Tamagotchi is at its base weight. Games feature a ranking system, where successful completion of rounds fills Happy hearts. 2 games are available: Dance and Jump, each reversing different care mistakes and requiring specific excess weight to play.

The Toilet function now allows users to catch the Tamagotchi before it poops and direct it to use a toilet, increasing happiness. This feature is unavailable for baby, Senior and Oyajitchi stages.
Training expands on the original Discipline function, allowing users to both discipline and praise the Tamagotchi. This influences physical and emotional wellbeing respectively, with nine bars tracking progress instead of 25% increments.
Tamacom, an infrared communication feature, allows 2 Tamagotchi to interact through games, gift-sharing and potential mating. The device is compatible with various Tamagotchi Connection series releases for interaction and mating.
The Lights function encourages users to turn off lights before the Tamagotchi’s bedtime, rewarding early sleep with increased happiness. Failure to do so results in a care mistake.
The new Friends List function allows users to view connected Tamagotchis, examine their details, and play with received items. It can record up to 50 friends, with friendship levels resetting at the start of each new generation.
Items acquired through connections are unique to each adult character with babies, children, and teens sharing a ball item. These items do not carry over between generations or after death.
The device features various animations that play at certain times or on specific days, showcasing different behaviors for each growth stage. Special animations also occur on holidays and the user’s birthday, with some variations between Japanese and international versions.
Watch a video showing Tamagotchi Connection’s features:
ROM Versions
There are at least 12 different variants of this version’s firmware, each with subtle differences. These include 2 Japanese versions, 6 English language European versions (2 of which were never officially released in Europe but can be found on American devices), 3 English language North American versions, and 1 Spanish language South American version. Some examples of the differences between these versions include:
1. In versions 0.0 through 2.0, one of the negative items a Tamagotchi can receive as a gift is an Obaketchi. Version 2.1 replaces this with an item resembling a Dorotchi, while from version 4.0 onward, it’s replaced by a Jack-in-the-box.
2. Child and teen characters on the Plus and Connexion versions eat a bowl of rice as a meal, while on the Connection version, they eat a roll of bread. Ojitchi, Otokitchi, and Oyajitchi drink sake as their snack on the Plus and Connexion versions, but on the Connection version, they drink a cup of coffee.
3. The death screen on the Plus version features Obaketchi floating next to a tombstone. In contrast, the Connection and Connexion versions show a floating white egg with angel wings. The Connexion version adds a halo to the egg.
4. In all versions up to and including 4.0, babies cannot use the connection feature. From version 4.1 onwards, babies were given this ability.
Tips & Tricks

1. The health meter is a valuable tool for quickly assessing your Tamagotchi’s needs, particularly when it doesn’t alert you with beeps. It also helps you monitor their weight, which is crucial because excessive weight can lead to illness, while insufficient weight may result in the Tamagotchi refusing to play games even when unhappy.
2. Occasionally, a Tamagotchi may accept food even when all its hearts are full, potentially leading to weight gain. It may be necessary to intentionally feed an underweight Tamagotchi to ensure it will engage in play time again.
3. Feeding the Tamagotchi too many snacks will increase its weight by 2 LBs and might lead to sickness.
4. Failing to clean up the pet’s waste (which can lead to sickness after an unpredictable period ranging from minutes to days) can result in illness. During the baby stage, the Tamagotchi’s waste may automatically be accompanied by sickness.
5. In the minigame Jump, if the Tamagotchi is too close to the obstacle, it will miss. The ‘fall flat on its face’ animation will play.
6. Pausing the Tamagotchi doesn’t halt the clock, but it does suspend the growth process. The status is displayed beneath the frozen character image.
7. If your Tamagotchi is malfunctioning (such as the health meter not decreasing or strange screen artifacts appearing) or if you simply want to start over, press the reset button located on the back using a small object like the end of a paperclip. A series of beeps will confirm that the reset was successful.

8. Tamagotchi Connection introduces new infrared communication capabilities, enabling the pet to befriend other Tamagotchi and maintain a “friend list” of up to 50 companions. Upon reaching adulthood, a Tamagotchi can interact with a compatible Tamagotchi friend to produce a second-generation offspring. The owner can then care for and nurture this new Tamagotchi into adulthood, potentially leading to third and fourth generations.
9. If your Tamagotchi Connection fails to find a compatible mate by the time it reaches 7-10 years old (which translates to 7-10 days in real time), Mrs. Busybody will appear and propose a potential mate. Rejecting her suggestions too frequently may result in your Tamagotchi becoming a solitary elderly character. Exercise caution, as the number of times Mrs. Busybody will return with proposals is unpredictable.
10. The manner in which you train your Tamagotchi influences its growth and level of discipline, as indicated by the number of training bars. To increase these training bars, you should praise your Tamagotchi when it behaves well, and impose a “time out” when it refuses to comply with your requests. This balanced approach to positive reinforcement and discipline shapes your Tamagotchi’s development and character.
11. If you see a winged Tamagotchi on your screen, it indicates that your pet has chosen to return to its home planet. However, there’s no need to worry. SAimply press the (A) and (C) buttons simultaneously, and a new egg will appear, ready to hatch and start your next Tamagotchi adventure.
Instruction Manual


Baby Stage
Name | Artwork | Sprite | Gender | Evolution Conditions |
Babytchi | Male | This character has a 50% chance of showing up when an egg hatches or when two Tamagotchis get married. It always shows up when two specific characters get married. These characters are called Ojitchi and Otokitchi. | ||
Shirobabytchi | Female | This character has a 50% chance of showing up when an egg hatches or when two Tamagotchis get married. It never shows up when two specific characters get married. These characters are called Ojitchi and Otokitchi. |
Child Stage
Name | Artwork | Sprite | Obtaining Methods |
Marutchi | This character always shows up in the first group of Tamagotchis you raise. There are different levels of this character, called Tier 3 and Tier 4. Tier 3 shows up if one parent was normal and the other was better than naughty, or if one parent was naughty and the other was either naughty or frail. Tier 4 shows up if both parents were frail, or if one was frail and the other was stubborn. It also shows up if one parent was stubborn and the other was better than normal. Remember, “better than” means the character behaves better. So “better than naughty” means the character is nicer than naughty. | ||
Kinakomotchi | This character never shows up in the first group of Tamagotchis you raise. It has 2 levels: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 shows up when both parents were serious, or when one parent was serious and the other was normal. Tier 2 shows up in two cases: first, when one parent was serious and the other was worse than normal; second, when one parent was normal and the other was either normal or naughty. When we say “worse than normal,” we mean the character doesn’t behave as well as a normal one. |
Teen Stage
Name | Artwork | Sprite | Generation | Tier | Evolution Conditions |
Ichigotchi | Odd | Serious | This character has different levels called Tier 1 and Tier 2. You get Tier 1 if you make 0-2 mistakes in taking care of a Tier 1 Kinakomotchi’s body or mind, or if you make 0-1 mistakes in both areas when raising a first-time Marutchi. You get Tier 2 if you make 3 or more mistakes in both areas with a Tier 1 Kinakomotchi, or 0-2 mistakes with a Tier 2 Kinakomotchi, or 2 mistakes in either area with a first-time Marutchi. There’s also a funny mistake in the original Plus game where sometimes a Marutchi might turn into an Ichigotchi, but only on every tenth group of Tamagotchis you raise. | ||
Young Mimitchi | Even | ||||
Hinotamatchi | Odd | Normal | This character has two more levels: Tier 3 and Tier 4. You get Tier 3 in three ways: if you make 3 or more mistakes in both taking care of the body and mind of a Tier 2 Kinakomotchi; or if you make 0-3 mistakes in either area when raising a Tier 3 Marutchi; or if you make 3 mistakes in either area with a first-time Marutchi. You get Tier 4 if you make 4 or more mistakes in both areas when raising a Tier 3 Marutchi, or if you make 4 or more mistakes in either area with a first-time Marutchi. | ||
Oniontchi | Even |
Adult Stage
Name | Artwork | Sprite | Generation | Tier | Evolution Conditions |
Mametchi | Odd | Serious | This character shows up in three different situations. First, if you’re taking care of a Tier 1 teen and you make no more than one mistake in both body care and mind care. Second, if you’re taking care of a Tier 2 teen and you make no more than one mistake in body care and no mistakes at all in mind care. Third, if you’re taking care of a Tier 3 teen and you make zero mistakes in both body care and mind care. Remember, “teen” here means a teenage Tamagotchi character. | ||
Mimitchi | Even | ||||
Kuchipatchi | Odd | Normal | This character shows up in four different situations. First, if you’re taking care of a Tier 1 teen and you make exactly 2 mistakes in both body care and mind care. Second, if you’re taking care of a Tier 2 teen and you make 2 mistakes in body care and either 1 or 2 mistakes in mind care. Third, if you’re taking care of a Tier 3 teen and you make exactly 1 mistake in both body care and mind care. Fourth, if you’re taking care of a Tier 4 teen and you make either no mistakes or just 1 mistake in both body care and mind care. Remember, “teen” here means a teenage Tamagotchi character. | ||
Memetchi | Even | ||||
Tarakotchi | Any | Naughty | This character shows up in two different situations. First, if you’re taking care of a Serious teen and you make 3 or more mistakes in mind care, but less than 3 mistakes in body care. Second, if you’re taking care of a Normal teen and you make 2 or more mistakes in mind care, but less than 2 mistakes in body care. Remember, “teen” here means a teenage Tamagotchi character, and “Serious” and “Normal” are different types of Tamagotchi personalities. | ||
Hanatchi | Odd | Frail | This character shows up in two different situations. First, if you’re taking care of a Serious teen and you make 3 or more mistakes in body care, but less than 3 mistakes in mind care. Second, if you’re taking care of a Normal teen and you make 2 or more mistakes in body care, but less than 2 mistakes in mind care. Remember, “teen” here means a teenage Tamagotchi character, and “Serious” and “Normal” are different types of Tamagotchi personalities. | ||
Androtchi | Even | ||||
Masktchi | Odd | Stubborn | This character shows up in two different situations. First, if you’re taking care of a Serious teen and you make 3 or more mistakes in both body care and mind care. Second, if you’re taking care of a Normal teen and you make 2 or more mistakes in both body care and mind care. Remember, “teen” here means a teenage Tamagotchi character, and “Serious” and “Normal” are different types of Tamagotchi personalities. | ||
Gozarutchi | Even | ||||
Oyajitchi | Any | This character happens when two special Tamagotchi characters, Ojitchi and Otokitchi, get married by connecting their Tamagotchi devices. It’s different from most characters because it grows up really fast. It starts as a baby called Babytchi, but then it skips being a kid and a teenager. Instead, it becomes an adult right away. |
Senior Stage
Name | Artwork | Sprite | Gender | Evolution Conditions |
Ojitchi | Male | This character is an adult Tamagotchi that hasn’t gotten married by the time it’s 12 or 13 years old in Tamagotchi time. | ||
Otokitchi | Female |
Growth Chart