Do you remember Tamagotchis from 1997? They were those little egg-shaped toys with tiny pets on a screen. Kids used to play with them all the time, even during class! Well, guess what? They’re back, but they’re different now. And it’s not just kids who like them anymore.
Bandai has made a new one called the Tamagotchi Uni. It came out last year. Young adults and even teenagers are loving it, but not just because it’s fun to play with.
Here’s what’s new about the Tamagotchi Uni:
- It can connect to the internet, so you can play with other people’s Tamagotchis
- The screen shows colors now, not just black and white
- You can charge it by plugging it in, instead of using batteries
- There’s a pretend world called the “Tamaverse” where your pet can go on vacation
- You can wear it like a watch if you want to
But the really interesting thing is how grown-ups are using these toys. Cailey Lindberg wrote about how playing with a Tamagotchi Uni helped her feel better after her dog died. It reminded her to take care of herself too. But Cailey isn’t the only one. On Reddit, lots of people talk about how Tamagotchis help them with their mental health. Some people even put them on their water bottles to remember to drink water.
This new Tamagotchi is so popular that it won a toy award from Good Housekeeping magazine. New York Post said that teenagers think Tamagotchis are cool again. There’s even a new app called Finch that’s like a Tamagotchi but also helps you take care of yourself.
But here’s a big question: Can a little toy like this really help people feel better? How does it compare to other things that are supposed to help with mental health? And are people just playing with Tamagotchis because they remember them from when they were kids, or is there something more to it?
The Tamagotchi Uni Isn’t Just for Kids: It’s the Perfect Self-Care Gift for Adults, Too