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Tamagotchi Connection V5 (Familitchi)
The Tamagotchi Connection V5, also called Familitchi, is the 6th version of the Tamagotchi Connection. In Japan, they call it “Yay! Family Iro Iro! Tamagotchi Plus,” but some people just say “Famitama” for short. This toy is all about taking care of a Tamagotchi family.
Bandai first sold this in Japan on November 23, 2007. Then in January 2008, they started selling it all over the world as the V5 Familitchi. What’s cool about this is that it’s the same as the Japanese version, just in different languages. The older versions after Version 1 were different in other countries.
They also made another type called the Tamagotchi Connection Version 5 Celebrity. This one had different games to play and different Tamagotchi characters to raise.
Watch Tamagotchi Connection V5 Commercial originally aired in 2008 in North America:
The Tamagotchi V5 has a bigger screen than the older ones. It’s now 1.5x larger with 48 by 30 little dots (pixels) on the screen. They changed some of the icons on the screen. The Medicine icon is now part of the Chest icon. They also added 2 new icons: Television and Training.
The Tamagotchi V5, also called Famitama, came out in 4 different areas: USA, Europe, Asia/Oceania and Japan. Each area got a slightly different version. The Japanese one has a special key hanging off the side. In other countries, it has a little house-shaped antenna instead.
The way you carry the toy is different depending on where you buy it. In Asia and Oceania, it comes with a key. In Europe, it has a ball chain and a charm. In America, it has a key ring. No matter where you buy it, you can get 2 designs: one called “Tamagotchi House” and another called “Love My Family.” If you’re in Asia or Oceania, you can also get a third design called “Pet.”
Tama DVD
When you bought the Tamagotchi Connection V5 in Asia or Oceania, you got something extra: a Tama DVD. This DVD had 9 different channels with games and cartoons. At the end, there was a quiz with songs. If you did well in some games, you got special codes for your Connection V5. The DVD also had a shopping channel where you could get codes for cheaper items in the game.
There were 4 Tamagotchi families: Mame, Meme, Kuchi, and Violet. Each family had 2 short cartoons. These cartoons were quick, only 30 seconds to a minute long. The characters didn’t talk with real words, just funny gibberish sounds.
The cooking cartoons were different. They were longer and had more details. In these, you’d see Tamagotchi characters making food. They use little speech bubbles to show what they were saying.
At the end of each cooking cartoon, the character would give the food they made to someone in their family. If the family member liked it, you’d see a code on the screen. You could use this code in your toy to get that food item. This made watching the DVD more fun because you could get things for your game.
The V5 introduces a multi-character system, allowing users to start each generation with up to 3 eggs. The eldest character has full access to games and items. When characters marry, they become “Parents” from the second generation onward. The firstborn son (ちょうなん chounan) and daughter (ちょうじょ choujo) play a crucial role in determining the generation’s growth trajectory, always evolving within the same group. Interestingly, the second-born son (じなん jinan) or daughter (じじょ jijo) will never evolve into the same group as their siblings.
Bonding, a new function in the Tamagotchi V5, significantly impacts character animations. It can be initiated through the Training icon, specific items, or by playing games with parents in later generations. Measured in 10% increments, bonding levels trigger different C Click Reactions. These reactions range from confused looks at 0-10% to all characters approaching the screen at 80-100%. The intermediate levels feature a variety of charming interactions, including kisses and heart animations.
The V5 offers 4 engaging games. While all games can be played with the oldest child, the last 2 require a parent and are only accessible from the second generation. Each game rewards up to 100 Gotchi Points, with the first 2 also offering up to 4 Happy Hearts. The latter 2 games contribute to Bonding. These games include TV Surfing, Tea Time, Golf Putt and Shoe Pairs, each with unique objectives and increasing difficulty levels.
A new television icon introduces three channels with distinct functions. The Shopping Channel allows users to purchase food and items. On the Dating Channel, accessible 48 hours after characters become adults, Tamagotchi can find marriage partners up to 3x daily. The Travel Channel offers trips for Tamagotchi, replacing the pause function and costing 500 Gotchi Points in the Japanese edition.
The TAMA & Earth EXPO website serves as the Tamagotchi V5’s version of TamaTown. Users can connect their device using a generated password to play games and earn items and Gotchi points. This virtual world features islands themed after North America, Japan, Europe, and Asia/Oceania, designed to educate Tamagotchi about Earth.
The Familitchi allows communication with other Connection V5s or the Tamagotchi Music Star. Users can connect to play 2 games or arrange marriages between Tamagotchi. A good relationship between the Tamagotchi is essential for successful marriages, which can be fostered through connection games.
Tips & Tricks
1. When you first activate your Tamagotchi V5, you’ll encounter 3 characters with the middle one being the largest. After a brief waiting period and setting the time, date and birth date, you’ll face a new task: naming your family. This family name persists unless you reset the device. 3 eggs then appear, each adorned with hearts, a unique feature for this version. These eggs represent a blended family with 3 distinct types of babies that can be either male or female. The 2 oldest siblings will always be of different genders, but grow up to be in the same group as adults.
2. To feed your Tamagotchi, navigate to the second icon: a smiley face sporting a chef’s hat. Here, you’ll find 2 options: meals and snacks. Meals replenish hunger hearts, while snacks boost happy hearts. Some special foods, adorned with “sparkles” offer enhanced benefits, increasing hearts by more than one. Notable examples include the gingerbread church, fried egg and mushroom. These sparkly treats provide an efficient way to quickly improve your Tamagotchi’s well-being.
3. When you initiate your Tamagotchi V5, you’re provided with a starter menu. Meals include fried rice and bread, while snacks offer a lollipop and donut. These items are available in unlimited quantities. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution with snacks. Overindulgence can lead to illness.
4. In the Familitchi, training takes on a new dimension. At specific times (10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 6:00 pm), your Tamagotchis signal their readiness for training with a “jungle tune” and a question mark above their heads. To begin, select the 6th icon: a smiley face with a speech bubble. You’ll then choose from 4 options: 2 activities and 2 music choices. These options correspond to different personality traits: Smart, Cheerful and Easy-going. Your selections influence your character’s evolution and increase bonding.
5. In the Tamagotchi V5, bathroom habits are a crucial aspect of care. Your Tama needs to use the bathroom after eating, but may also require it randomly. If you’re observant, you might catch your Tamagotchi looking “disturbed” – a cue to select the toilet icon. Depending on their developmental stage, they’ll use either a ducky potty or a regular toilet. If you miss these signs, your Tama will eventually poop, accompanied by a beep (amusingly reminiscent of a fart, if the sound is on). Promptly cleaning up using the toilet icon is essential for maintaining your Tamagotchi’s hygiene and happiness.
6. The sound can easily be turned off/on by pressing A and C at the same time.
7. The V5 offers quick access to time and date. Simply press B when no icons are highlighted to view this data. To adjust the time or date, use a combination of C and A buttons while on the time/date screen.
8. When you are on the time/date screen , you can change the contrast by pushing C and B. It makes the screen darker and lighter. Low contrast saves battery.
9. There are 4 games. You can’t play the 3rd and 4th games until you’re on the 2nd generation.
10. Random animations have been reported: parents kissing, first born raiding the fridge, parents vacuuming, father watching TV with children.
Smart Family:
- Mimifuwatchi: Baby stage, any gender. Always born in the first generation, in the Mame Family, and in the Violet Family.
- Mousetchi: Child stage, male. Evolves from Mimifuwatchi after one hour.
- Sakuramotchi: Child stage, female. Evolves from Mimifuwatchi after one hour.
- Mamekatchi: Teen stage, male. Evolves when smart items are used.
- Chamametchi: Teen stage, female. Evolves when smart items are used. Secondary character of the Mame Family.
- Mametchi: Adult stage, male. Primary character of the Mame Family.
- Furikotchi: Adult stage, male. Evolves with 40-70% bonding and smart items.
- Hatugatchi: Adult stage, male. Evolves with 0-30% bonding and smart items.
- Chantotchi: Adult stage, female. Evolves with 80-100% bonding and smart items.
- Violetchi: Adult stage, female. Primary character of the Violet Family.
- LoveZukintchi: Adult stage, female. Evolves with 0-30% bonding and smart items.
- KuroMametchi: Special stage, male. Evolved by feeding Hatugatchi a Sesame Pudding snack.
- Papamametchi: Parent stage, male. Father of the Mame Family.
- PapaKurotchi: Parent stage, male. Evolved by marrying KuroMametchi.
- Mamametchi: Parent stage, female. Mother of the Mame Family.
- Bagubagutchi: Tama Pet, male. Created when forming the Mame Family.
Cheerful Family:
- Omututchi: Baby stage, any gender. Born in first generation, Meme Family, and Violet Family.
- Ahirukutchi: Child stage, male. Evolves from Omututchi after one hour.
- Belltchi: Child stage, female. Evolves from Omututchi after one hour.
- Bakutchi: Teen stage, male. Evolves when cheerful items are used.
- Ichigotchi: Teen stage, female. Evolves when cheerful items are used.
- Sukatchi: Adult stage, male. Evolves with 80-100% bonding and cheerful items.
- Mumutchi: Adult stage, male. Evolves with 40-70% bonding and cheerful items.
- Uhyotchi: Adult stage, male. Evolves with 0-30% bonding and cheerful items.
- Memetchi: Adult stage, female. Primary character of the Meme Family.
- Onputchi: Adult stage, female. Evolves with 40-70% bonding and cheerful items.
- Watatchi: Adult stage, female. Evolves with 0-30% bonding and cheerful items.
- Makiko: Special stage, female. Evolved by using a Dresser with Watatchi.
- MemePapatchi: Parent stage, male. Father of the Meme Family.
- MemeMamatchi: Parent stage, female. Mother of the Meme Family.
- Majorite: Parent stage, female. Evolved by marrying Makiko.
- Chitchi: Tama Pet, female. Created when forming the Meme Family.
Easygoing Family:
- Futabatchi: Baby stage, any gender. Born in first generation and Kuchipa Family.
- Mattaritchi: Child stage, male. Evolves from Futabatchi after one hour.
- Tororotchi: Child stage, female. Evolves from Futabatchi after one hour.
- Korokotchi: Teen stage, male. Evolves when easygoing items are used.
- Shelltchi: Teen stage, female. Evolves when easygoing items are used.
- Kuchipatchi: Adult stage, male. Primary character of the Kuchipa Family.
- Nemutchi: Adult stage, male. Evolves with 40-70% bonding and easygoing items.
- Mukugetchi: Adult stage, male. Evolves with 0-30% bonding and easygoing items.
- HotTeatchi: Adult stage, female. Evolves with 80-100% bonding and easygoing items.
- Yonepatchi: Adult stage, female. Evolves with 40-70% bonding and easygoing items.
- Potetchi: Adult stage, female. Evolves with 0-30% bonding and easygoing items.
- PapaPatchi: Parent stage, male. Father of the Kuchipa Family.
- Mamapatchi: Parent stage, female. Mother of the Kuchipa Family.
- Onsenmoguratchi: Tama Pet, male. Created when forming the Kuchipa Family.
Special Family:
- Iwatchi: Baby stage, can be either gender. Born when marrying two units from different regions or marrying Sunnytchi on the Dating Channel.
- Hoshitchi: Child stage, can be either gender. Evolves from Iwatchi.
- Mikazukitchi: Teen stage, can be either gender. Evolves from Hoshitchi.
- Sunnytchi: Adult stage, can be either gender. Evolves from Mikazukitchi.
- Planetchi: Parent stage, can be either gender. Evolves from Sunnytchi upon marriage.
Large Family:
- Osumotchi: Adult stage, can be male or female. Evolved by overfeeding at the Adult stage three times.
- Metaboritchi: Parent stage, can be male or female. Evolved by marrying Osumotchi or when children become Osumotchi.
Petite Family:
- Puchiputchi: Adult stage, can be male or female. Evolved by allowing the Hungry meter to empty completely three times during the adult stage.
- Puchioyatchi: Parent stage, can be male or female. Evolved by marrying Puchiputchi or when children become Puchiputchi.
Ninja Family:
- Gozarutchi: Adult stage, male. Evolved by allowing the Happy meter to empty completely three times during the adult stage.
- Kunoitchi: Adult stage, female. Evolved by allowing the Happy meter to empty completely three times during the adult stage.
- Kashiratchi: Parent stage, male. Evolved by marrying Gozarutchi or when children become Gozarutchi/Kunoitchi.
- Okugatatchi: Parent stage, female. Evolved by marrying Kunoitchi or when children become Gozarutchi/Kunoitchi.
Secondary Characters:
- Chibipatchi: Child stage, male. Secondary character of the Kuchipa Family.
- Imotchi: Child stage, female. Secondary character of the Meme Family.
- Kizatchi: Adult stage, male. Secondary character of the Violet Family.
- Papakizatchi: Parent stage, male. Father of the Violet Family.
- Mamavioletchi: Parent stage, female. Mother of the Violet Family.
- Hanatarezoutchi: Tama Pet, male. Created when forming the Violet Family.
- Nazotchi: Adult stage, any gender. Placeholder character for adults sent from V5 Celebrity or Tamagotchi Music Star.
Growth Chart
1000 GP passwords
The V5 offers a unique feature to boost your Gotchi Points (GP). To claim 1000 GP, navigate to the connection icon and select “PC”. After the login code appears, press B to access the logout password input screen. The password you’ll use depends on your main character (always positioned in the middle). Enter the corresponding password for that character to receive your GP bonus. These passwords are not one-time use , you can reuse them as needed.
How to Get a Pet
To unlock special pets in your Tamagotchi V5, follow these steps:
1. Raise a specific character and pair them with the right mate:
* Mametchi + Chantotchi yields the Mame Family
* Memetchi + Mumutchi produces the Meme Family
* Furawatchi + Sukatchi creates the Violet Family
* Kuchipatchi + Yonepatchi results in the Kuchi Family
2. Once you’ve established the special family, focus on strengthening their bond. Work on raising the bond percentage to its maximum of 100%.
3. When you’ve achieved full bonding at 100%, the special pet will appear automatically.
Special Items
To access special content on your Tamagotchi V5, navigate to the heart icon and select “DVD / Special” from the menu. When prompted, input one of the designated passwords from the provided chart. Upon entering a correct password, Repotchi will make an appearance and present you with a gift.