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Keeping the Tamagotchi love alive


Tamagotchi P's

Tamagotchi P's

The Tamagotchi P’s came out in Japan on November 23, 2012. It was made by Bandai to celebrate 16 years of Tamagotchi. In Japan, they call it “Tamagotchi Pīsu.” This new Tamagotchi had a color screen and could do more things than older ones.

The P’s was based on a cartoon show called Tamagotchi! Yume Kira Dream. It had a place called Dream Town from the show with new characters and places to visit. The coolest new thing about the P’s was a special slot where you could put in pins. These pins added new stuff to play with. That’s why they called it “Pierce” – because you pierce it with the pins.

Someone named Mr. Blinky made a patch so that the P’s can be used in English instead of Japanese. This helped people all over the world use it. Mr.Blinky also made pins that you can download, including ones that copy the real pins and some new ones he made up. This gave P’s fans even more ways to play with their Tamagotchis.


Watch a video introducing Tamagotchi P’s:


Tamagotchi P's Blue
Tamagotchi P's Blue

The Tamagotchi P’s looks a lot like another Tamagotchi release, the Tamagotchi iD L. It’s about the same size and shape. The screen is the same size too, and it has hard plastic buttons.

The front of the P’s has a clear cover with fake gemstone shapes on the left and right sides of the screen. Under this cover, there’s a picture with shiny, rainbow-colored gemstone prints in the same spots as the fake gemstones above.

On top of the screen, there’s a small rectangle hole. This is where you can put in special pins called pierces. When you buy a P’s, it comes with a heart-shaped pierce. This heart doesn’t do anything special, it’s just there to look pretty.



The Tamagotchi P’s introduces a novel accessory system called Tama Deco Pierce (たまデコピアス Tama Deko Piasu), short for Tamagotchi Decoration Piercing. These small, interchangeable pins function similarly to Gotchi Figures from the TamaTown Tama-Go. Each pierce unlocks new content, including characters, transformations, games, locations, food, clothing, and items.

Accompanying each Tama Deco Pierce are two sheets of secret notes, designed to fit into the separately sold Tamagotchi P’s secret pocket book. These notes provide detailed explanations of the pierce’s content and instructions for unlocking its characters.

The device accommodates only one active pierce at a time. Removing a pierce allows its content to persist for 12-48 hours before reverting to base content, unless another pierce is inserted. Pierce-exclusive characters can be maintained until marriage, but this prevents the use of other pierces during that period.

The P’s introduces a personality system with five types: intelligent, fashionable, charismatic, gourmet expert, and athletic. Personality points are accrued through meals, snacks, accessories, and toys. Equal points in multiple categories result in alternating personalities until one predominates or evolution occurs.

A new diary feature allows Tamagotchi to record significant events with entries and pictures, including playdates, daycare visits, school attendance, and part-time job activities.

tamagotchi deco pierce
Tamagotchi Deco Pierce

The TamaTomo system returns as puzzle pieces. Each character has four pieces to collect, unlocking their TamaTomo in the notebook upon completion. Piece collection involves favorite items and 48-hour adult survival. Base adult characters contribute to the 32 pieces needed for 100% TamaTomo completion.

The P’s features three games: Catch and Jump Rope at the Game Center, and a running game at Dream Beach.

Multiple locations are available, some unlocking with TamaTomo collection. These include the Game Center, Flower Bud Park, Gotchi Reform, Paint shop, Daycare, Dream School, Tama Depa, Kirakira Tamamori Shop, Matchmaker, and several unlockable areas like Eco Town and the Secret Base.

Adult Tamagotchi can work part-time jobs, earning Gotchi points and unique rewards after 30 hours of work. Jobs include Park Security Guard, TamaDepa Assistant, Tamamori Assistant, and Cafe Maid.

Tama Pets return, adoptable after three encounters at Flower Bud Park. Adult Tamagotchi can also date and marry other characters.

The P’s offers 4-way device connectivity for various activities and games. It’s also compatible with the Tamagotchi iD L and Yume Kira Bag for additional interactions.

Unlike previous versions, neglected adult Tamagotchi don’t die but instead run away, leaving a goodbye letter. This departure can be prevented by user intervention.


Bandaï Tamagotchi P's Dream Coffret Set
Bandai Tamagotchi P's Dream Coffret Set

Special Tamagotchi P’s sets have been released, bundling the device with specific Tama Deco Pierces that are otherwise available for separate purchase. These sets, with the exception of the Love and Melody set, feature exclusive two-color models of the P’s device. The packaging for these sets is distinctive with box art showcasing characters from the included Tama Deco Pierce.

It’s important to note that all current P’s sets include character Tama Deco Pierces, rather than transformation-focused pierces. The available sets are:

  1. Love and Melody Set: This package includes a pink Tamagotchi P’s device along with the LoveMelo Pierce. Unlike the other sets, this one does not feature a two-color model.
  2. Melody Land Set: This bundle combines a pink and purple two-tone Tamagotchi P’s with the Melody Land Pierce.
  3. Feat. Aikatsu! Set: This offering pairs a pink and white dual-colored Tamagotchi P’s with the Aikatsu Pierce.
  4. Dream Coffret Set: This collection features a pink and yellow bicolor Tamagotchi P’s accompanied by the Coffret Pierce.

These special sets provide users with unique color combinations for their devices and immediate access to expanded content through the included character-based Tama Deco Pierces.

Other Releases

Other Releases

The Yume Kira Bag (ゆめキラバッグ Yume Kira Baggu) is a companion toy inspired by the magical bags used by Kiraritchi and Yumetchi in the anime series. This accessory features an internal screen and is compatible with Dorikawa cards, which can be scanned to enhance gameplay. The Yume Kira Bag offers connectivity with the Tamagotchi P’s, allowing users to transfer gotchi points earned from its games to their virtual pet device.

The Pen Touch Pocket Designer Notebook (ポケットデザイナー), based on Miraritchi and Clulutchi’s pocket designers from Tamagotchi! Miracle Friends, is a creative tool with a color touch screen and stylus. While it resembles a Nintendo DS in form, it only registers tap inputs. Users can design and customize various elements including meals, snacks, clothes, accessories, items, and wallpapers, all of which can be transferred to the Tamagotchi P’s. The device includes games for earning gotchi points to unlock more customization options. Additionally, it serves as a personal diary and tamagotchi terminology dictionary.

The Tamagotchi P’s Station is an oversized version of the Tamagotchi P’s, functioning as a Deka Tamagotchi. These stations, found exclusively in Japanese stores, offered region- and season-specific content including exclusive items, games, accessories, and locations that could be downloaded to personal P’s devices. The P’s Station provided unique gameplay experiences, such as caring for a giant tamapet through feeding, play, and dress-up activities. It also featured an Egg Market where users could engage in buying and selling items with other users.

Tips & Tricks

Tamagotchi Ps With Sweet Deco
Tamagotchi P's With Sweet Deco

1. In the Tamagotchi P’s, you need to collect 4 puzzle pieces for each character you raise. Here’s how:

  • Give them their favorite food, toy, and accessory to get 3 pieces.
  • Keep the adult Tamagotchi alive for 48 hours to get the 4th piece.
  • You can only collect pieces when your Tamagotchi is an adult.
  • When you get all 4 pieces, you finish that character’s picture in the toy’s notebook.

2. When your Tamagotchi turns red, it needs a bath. You also need to clean its house. You can buy cleaning stuff from the store: a vacuum, a broom, and a mop.

3. The puzzle pieces show what your Tamagotchi likes best. If you don’t get all the pieces, it won’t remember that you raised that character.

4. It’s smart to buy cleaning stuff right after you get your Tamagotchi P’s. Put the vacuum, broom, and mop at the top of your item list so they’re easy to find. You’ll need them a lot because each room in the Tamagotchi’s house gets dirty about every 3 days.

5. Once you buy something, it stays in your stuff list forever. You can only get rid of things by selling them or throwing them away on purpose. This is true for everything except food in the fridge, which goes away when you use it.



Baby and Child Stages

StageCharacterGenderObtaining Method
BabyPinkbotchiFemale50% chance of hatching
BabyAokumotchiMale50% chance of hatching
ChildPetithanatchiFemaleEvolves randomly from Pinkubotchi
ChildTerupotchiFemaleEvolves randomly from Pinkubotchi
ChildMitsumarutchiMaleEvolves randomly from Aokumotchi
ChildTurtletchiMaleEvolves randomly from Aokumotchi

Teen Stage

CharacterGenderObtaining Method
NeotchiFemaleAny Female Child with Charisma Trait
NokobotchiFemaleAny Female Child with Style Trait
CosmotchiMaleAny Male Child with Intelligence Trait
MaimaitchiMaleAny Male Child with Gourmet Trait

Adult Stage (Female) – Part 1

CharacterObtaining Method
YumemitchiFrom Neotchi, 0-2 Care Misses, +Intelligence or Charisma Traits
KiramotchiAny Female Teen, 0-2 Care Misses, +Style/Gourmet/Strength, Paint 20+ times
FurifuritchiFrom Neotchi, 3-7 Care Misses, +Charisma Trait
PatitchiAny Female Teen, 3-7 Care Misses, +Gourmet, Play with Cookbook 20+ times
WaltztchiAny Female Teen, 3-7 Care Misses, +Style, Visit Eco Town 20+ times
ChokomakatchiFrom Neotchi, 3-7 Care Misses, +Intelligence or Strength Traits
KiraritchiFrom Nokobotchi, 0-2 Care Misses, +Style or Charisma Traits
HimespetchiAny Female Teen, 0-2 Care Misses, +Intelligence/Gourmet/Strength, Win 20+ games

Adult Stage (Female) – Part 2

CharacterObtaining Method
MemetchiAny Female Teen, 3-7 Care Misses, +Style, Play with Beauty Set 20+ times
JulietchiFrom Nokobotchi, 3-7 Care Misses, +Charisma Trait
ButterflytchiFrom Nokobotchi, 3-7 Care Misses, +Intelligence Trait
PekopekotchiAny Female Teen, 3-7 Care Misses, +Gourmet/Strength, Eat Plentifully Ramen 10+ times
AmakutchiAny Female Teen, 8+ Care Misses, +Charisma or Gourmet Traits
YukinkotchiAny Female Teen, 8+ Care Misses, +Intelligence or Strength Traits
AmiamitchiAny Female Teen, 8+ Care Misses, +Style Trait
HarptchiAny Female Teen, +Charisma, connect to 2+ P’s devices 5+ times
HoshigirltchiAny Female Teen, +Intelligence, connect to 4+ male characters

Adult Stage (Male)

CharacterObtaining Method
MametchiFrom Cosmotchi, 0-2 Care Misses, +Intelligence or Strength Traits
KnightchiAny Male Teen, 0-2 Care Misses, +Style/Charisma/Gourmet, Win 20+ games
GotchimotchiFrom Cosmotchi, 3-7 Care Misses, +Intelligence Trait
TacttchiAny Male Teen, 3-7 Care Misses, +Style/Charisma, Play with Music Sheet 20+ times
KarakutchiFrom Cosmotchi, 3-7 Care Misses, +Gourmet or Strength Traits
RighttchiAny Male Teen, 0-2 Care Misses, +Intelligence/Style/Charisma, Play with PC 20+ times
KuchipatchiAny Male Teen, 0-2 Care Misses, +Gourmet/Strength, Eat Tower Burger 10+ times
NandetchiAny Male Teen, 3-7 Care Misses, +Intelligence, Play with Robot 20+ times
MogumogutchiFrom Maimaitchi, 3-7 Care Misses, +Style or Gourmet Traits
MonakatchiFrom Maimaitchi, 3-7 Care Misses, +Charisma or Strength Traits
SpacytchiAny Male Teen, 8+ Care Misses, +Charisma Trait
DoyatchiAny Male Teen, 8+ Care Misses, +Style Trait
AtchitchiAny Male Teen, 8+ Care Misses, +Intelligence/Gourmet/Strength Traits
ShirimotchiAny Male Teen, +Strength, connect to 2+ P’s devices 5+ times
CharatchiAny Male Teen, +Style, connect to 4+ female characters


Royal Change Transformations

CharacterBase CharacterObtaining Method
Mame no Tama MaruMametchiTake to Royal House
Gourmet Patchi KingKuchipatchiTake to Royal House
Saint KnighttchiKnighttchiTake to Royal House
Maharaja RightRighttchiTake to Royal House
Yume KaguyaYumemitchiTake to Royal House
Kira OrihimeKiraritchiTake to Royal House
Princess Snake Charmer MemeMemetchiTake to Royal House
Masked WaltzWaltztchiTake to Royal House
Princess JulieJulietchiTake to Royal House
Mermaid Star GirlHoshigirltchiTake to Royal House

Fairy Change Transformations

CharacterBase CharacterObtaining Method
Fairy MameMametchiTake to Fairy House
Patchi DwarfKuchipatchiTake to Fairy House
Pixy Spe ElfSpacytchiTake to Fairy House
MatchtchiAcchitchiTake to Fairy House
Yume Fai-RibbonYumemitchiTake to Fairy House
Chokomaka BootsChokomakatchiTake to Fairy House
Pekopeko BrowniePekopekotchiTake to Fairy House
Fairy ChouchouButterflytchiTake to Fairy House
Little AmiamiAmiamitchiTake to Fairy House
Harp UndineHarptchiTake to Fairy House

Baby?! Change Transformations

CharacterBase CharacterObtaining Method
Chibi MametchiMametchiTake to Baby House
Junior RightRighttchiTake to Baby House
Old Man SpacySpacytchiTake to Baby House
Little TacttchiTacttchiTake to Baby House
Small CharatchiCharatchiTake to Baby House
YumeminitchiYumemitchiTake to Baby House
Petite KiraritchiKiraritchiTake to Baby House
Himespe PapyHimespetchiTake to Baby House
Lick Lick PotiPatitchiTake to Baby House
Grafitti KimotchiKiramotchiTake to Baby House

Dream to Change! Ribbon Transformations

CharacterBase CharacterObtaining Method
Teyandee MametchiMametchiTake to Dream Ribbon House
Naruto๑PatchiKuchipatchiTake to Dream Ribbon House
SakumotchiGotchimotchiTake to Dream Ribbon House
Shaved DoyaDoyatchiTake to Dream Ribbon House
Shiroan MaskMonakatchiTake to Dream Ribbon House
Propeller MotchiShirimotchiTake to Dream Ribbon House
Sakura YumemiYumemitchiTake to Dream Ribbon House
3rd Dressed KiraKiraritchiTake to Dream Ribbon House
Furiido FujiiriaFurifuritchiTake to Dream Ribbon House
Samba DE YukinkoYukinkotchiTake to Dream Ribbon House

Anniversary Change! Transformations

CharacterBase CharacterObtaining Method
Prince MametchiMametchiTake to Party House
Patchi BurgerKuchipatchiTake to Party House
Charisma SpacySpacytchiTake to Party House
Shining CharatchiCharatchiTake to Party House
Strawberry Riding Hood YumeYumemitchiTake to Party House
Shooting Star KirariKiraritchiTake to Party House
Bouquet MemetchiMemetchiTake to Party House
Wedding♥HimeHimespetchiTake to Party House
Tropical PatiPatitchiTake to Party House
BunnymotchiKiramotchiTake to Party House


Growth Chart

Tamagotchi P's Growth Chart
Tamagotchi P's Growth Chart (Male)
Tamagotchi P's Growth Chart (Male)
Tamagotchi P's Growth Chart (Female)
Tamagotchi P's Growth Chart (Female)
Tamagotchi Pet Podcast

Frequently Asked Questions

Tamagotchi P's are colour-screen virtual pet devices released in Japan in 2012. They were a significant development in the Tamagotchi series, introducing new features like Tama Deco Pierces that unlock additional content.

Tama Deco Pierces are small, interchangeable pins that insert into the Tamagotchi P's device. Each pierce unlocks exclusive content such as new characters, transformations, games, locations, and items, enhancing the gameplay experience.

Only one pierce can be active at a time. Removing a pierce allows its content to remain for 12-48 hours. Pierce-exclusive characters can be kept until marriage, preventing the use of other pierces during that period.

While originally released in Japanese, a user known as Mr.Blinky developed an English patch for the Tamagotchi P's. This patch, along with downloadable official and custom pierces, makes the device accessible to a wider audience.

The Tamagotchi P's features 5 personality types: intelligent, fashionable, charismatic, gourmet expert, and athletic. These are developed through activities like meals, snacks, using accessories, and playing with toys.

Unlike previous versions where neglect resulted in death, adult Tamagotchi on the P's will run away, leaving a goodbye letter. This can be prevented with proper care and attention.

Tamagotchi P's Stations are larger, Deka Tamagotchi versions of the device found exclusively in Japanese stores. They offered region and season-specific downloadable content like items and games, along with unique gameplay experiences.

Prioritise buying the vacuum, broom, and mop from the store early on. These cleaning supplies are essential for maintaining your Tamagotchi's house, which gets dirty every three days.