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Tamagotchi Angel

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Tamagotchi Angel (Angelgotchi)

The Tamagotchi Angel, also called Angelgotchi, is a special type of Tamagotchi. It came out in Japan in August 1997 and in other countries in February 1998. Instead of taking care of normal Tamagotchi pets, this one lets you care for Tamagotchi characters after they’ve died. In Japan, they call it “Tenshitchi no Tamagotchi” (てんしっちのたまごっち). Some people also call it “Angelgotchi” or “Tenshitchi” in English.

Later on, Bandai made Tamagotchi Angel games for cell phones. They first made a simple one for regular cell phones. Then in 2014, they made a fancier app for smartphones called “Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. Angel.” Unfortunately, you can’t get that app anymore.



The Tamagotchi Angel is the same size and shape as the older Tamagotchi, but with one big difference: it has shiny angel wings on the sides of the screen. These wings are either silver or gold, depending on the color of the toy. They’re painted on with a special shimmery paint, not just printed like the rest of the design.

The Angel models look different because they’re made from a special material that gives them a soft, glittery look. They also have something new inside: a sensor that can feel movement and hear sounds. This was the first Tamagotchi to have this. If you tap the toy or make a loud noise near it, the sensor picks it up.

Here’s something interesting: the first batch made in Japan had the same icons as the original Tamagotchi. But the second batch had new pictures made just for the Angel version. There’s also a funny difference between the Japanese and English versions. In the Japanese one, the picture for the toilet looks like a little butt with wings. But in the English version, they changed it to a roll of toilet paper.


Tamagotchi Angel Timeline
Tamagotchi Angel Timeline

The Tamagotchi Angel started in the middle of 1997. The first Tamagotchi was a big hit, so Bandai wanted to make a new one. They thought, “Hey, let’s make a Tamagotchi with a different look.” By summer, they had a plan: make it look like an angel with wings.

In the fall, Bandai’s workers got busy. They made new games for it, like the “Halo Points” system. This was a new way to play with your Tamagotchi. They also drew new angel-like creatures to live in the toy. They tested it to make sure it worked well.

As the year was ending, Bandai started making the actual devices. They sold them in Japan first. In early 1998, they got ready to sell it in other countries. They had to change the words in the game so people in different places could understand it. They also made ads to tell people about it.

Finally, in early 1998, people all over the world could buy the Tamagotchi Angel It became popular really fast, and the rest is history.



Far away in space, there’s a special planet called the Tamagotchi Planet. If you look up at the sky, you might see something amazing: a beautiful city floating in the clouds. This city is called the Tenshitchi Capital, and it’s where lots of little angels live. These angels aren’t like the ones in old pictures. They’re actually the spirits of Tamagotchis. When a Tamagotchi dies, its spirit goes up to live in this sky city.

The angels are always busy. They have important work to do. They use tiny watering cans to take care of the clouds and make sure it rains on the planet below. They also pray a lot to make their magic powers stronger. Sometimes, when a living Tamagotchi on the planet needs help, these angels fly down to give them secret guidance.

But recently, something big happened. Many of these little angels started feeling like they wanted to go back to Earth. They remembered the nice humans who took care of them when they were alive. They felt thankful and decided to make a quick trip back.

That’s where you come in. One of these angels has picked you! For a little while, this angel will be your friend. Your job is to help them do good things and make people happy. But be careful, because being an angel isn’t always easy. If you don’t pay attention, your little friend might stop being good and turn into a naughty Deviltchi instead.


Watch a commercial for Tamagotchi Angel:



The Tamagotchi Angel had some new and cool features that made it different from older Tamagotchis.

The Check Meter, which is the first little picture you see, shows new things: Angel Power instead of weight, an Effort Meter instead of a Happy meter, and a Deeds Meter instead of a training meter. Funny thing is, the Deeds meter doesn’t seem to do anything important.

Angel Power, called AP for short (or TP for “Tenshi Power” in Japanese), goes up when your Angel eats candy. But watch out, a naughty bat from Devil World might try to steal the candy. If it does, you lose AP points and Deeds meter progress.

The Angel likes to take Strolls during the day. You’ll know this is happening when you see a little light on the screen. In the Japanese version, you see a door picture. In other countries, the screen just goes blank. You can call your Angel back by picking the praise picture and tapping the screen gently. If you ignore these strolls, you might see one of 4 weird pictures, depending on what time it is.

Prayer is another special thing in this game. Your Angel stops in the middle of the screen, sometimes with little stars around it. If you praise your Angel during prayer, its Deeds meter goes up. If you don’t, it makes a mess.

There’s also a new game called the Shooting Star Game. It’s pretty hard, but it’s the only way to make your Angel’s Effort meter go up.

Unlike older Tamagotchis, your Angel doesn’t just get sick on its own. But if you don’t take care of it or use the lights wrong, it can get attacked by something called Gaikotchi. You can get rid of this by using the Treatment picture, but you might need to use it more than once.

The Tamagotchi Angel was the first to have different endings. If your adult Angel finishes its time on Earth in a good way, you see a nice goodbye scene. But if it gets sick too many times in a short period, it can turn into a Deviltchi or just stop moving. 


Here’s a video showing Tamagotchi Angel’s gameplay and features:

Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

1. The Tamagotchi Angel has just 1 game. You have to dodge shooting stars. You need to do this at least 5x to finish a game.

2. When your Angel gets sick, you’ll see a scary skull on the screen. This means you need to help your Angel right away.

3. During the day, turning off the lights is dangerous. Your Angel could get very sick or even die. Only turn off the lights when your Angel is sleeping.

4. To get a character called Ginjirotenshi, do this: From Maruten, keep the angel power at 20 and take really good care of it. After it changes to Kodoten, start taking really bad care of it. Let the angel power drop to 0. Don’t praise it or give it candy and chocolate. Let the hearts get empty, then ignore it until it beeps 3x before filling just 1 heart for hunger and effort. Keep the lights on all night. Then you’ll get Ginjirotenshi.

5. Tamagotchi Angel is different from older versions (P1/P2). Things happen faster: your Angel grows up, gets old, and leaves quicker. This makes it easy to see most characters (except the rare Unchi-Kun), but it might feel repetitive after a while. You might end up raising Futagotenshi many times in a row.

6. Sometimes your screen might be empty with just a light on, or you might see a door picture (in Japanese versions). Don’t worry, your Angel didn’t disappear. It just went out for a bit. To get it back, pick the Praise picture and tap the screen gently. Your Angel will come back, often doing something special.

7. When your Angel is young (Babitchi and child stages), it won’t tell you when it’s doing a good deed. You need to watch carefully. If you see your young Angel doing something weird while facing you, with a light on and hearts not empty, it’s probably doing a good deed and wants praise.

8. If you’re busy and need a break from caring for your Angel, press the middle button to see the clock, then hold the first and third buttons to set the clock. You can leave it like this for as long as you want and the game will sort of pause.

9. Most important tip: DON’T KILL YOUR ANGEL.



In Tamagotchi Angel, care mistakes don’t add up. They start over each time your character changes into a new form. When we talk about care mistakes, we’re only counting the ones made during the prior stage. For example, if we say Chestnut Angel needs 0-2 care mistakes, we only mean mistakes made when it was a Tamatchi Angel. Mistakes made earlier, when it was a Marutchi Angel, don’t count.

The “Time to Next Stage” part tells you how long a character stays the same before changing. For example, Chestnut Angel will change after 3 days if you took good care of it. Some characters don’t change anymore. For these, the “Time to Next Stage” tells you how long it takes before they can have a good ending when they die. After a character can have a good ending, it starts needing more care each day when it wakes up.

NameArtworkSpriteGrowth StageMax TP/APActive HoursTime to Next StageHow to Get
Obaketchi “Egg” (JP)   

Appears after time is set. Changes after 5 minutes.


“Egg” (EN)   

Appears after time is set. Changes after 5 minutes.

Ghost Jr
Ghost Jr
Ghost Jr
Baby30 / 90*Nap Only / 11pm – 10am*1 hour / 5 days*

The things marked with a star (*) only happen if you’re on the right path to get Lucky Unchi-Kun.

Marutchi Angel
Marutchi Angel
Marutchi Angel
Child508pm – 8am1 day

After one hour, a regular Ghost Jr will change into this new character.

Tamatchi Angel
Tamatchi Angel
Tamatchi Angel
Teen608pm – 8am1 day

This character comes from Marutchi Angel if you make 2 or fewer mistakes while taking care of it.

But there’s a special case: If you’re playing a version of the game where you can get Lucky Unchi-Kun by raising Ginjirotchi really well, then Marutchi Angel will always turn into Tamatchi Angel. It doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make.

Takotchi Angel
Takotchi Angel
Takotchi Angel
Teen608pm – 9am1 day

This character comes from Marutchi Angel if you make 3 or more mistakes while taking care of it.

But there’s a special case: If you’re playing a version of the game where you can get Lucky Unchi-Kun by raising Ginjirotchi really well, then Marutchi Angel will never turn into Takotchi Angel. It doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make.

Chestnut Angel
Chestnut Angel
Chestnut Angel
Adult809pm – 8am3 days

Evolves from Tamatchi Angel with 0-2 care mistakes.

Ginjirotchi Angel
Ginjirotchi Angel
Ginjirotchi Angel
Adult7010pm – 9am3 days

This character comes from Tamatchi Angel if you make 3 or more mistakes while taking care of it.

There’s also a special trick: If you’ve already gotten a Lucky Unchi-Kun without a face, and then you raise Ginjirotchi Angel until it has a good ending, something special happens. The next time you start with a Ghost Jr., it might turn into a Lucky Unchi-Kun that has a face.

Chubby Angel
Chubby Angel
Chubby Angel
Adult6010pm – 8am2 days

This character comes from Takotchi Angel if you give it 40 or more TP/AP. 

There’s also a special trick: If you get Chubby Angel two times in a row, something cool happens. The second Chubby Angel will turn into a Lucky Unchi-kun without a face when it dies. 

Tarakotchi Angel
Tarakotchi Angel
Tarakotchi Angel
Adult509pm – 9am2 days

This character comes from Takotchi Angel if you give it between 30 and 39 TP/AP. TP/AP is like food for your Tamagotchi – it helps it grow.

There’s a special trick too: If you get Tarakotchi Angel two times in a row, something cool happens. The second Tarakotchi Angel will turn into a Lucky Unchi-kun without a face when it dies. 

Oyajitchi Angel
Oyajitchi Angel
Oyajitchi Angel
Adult4011pm – 10am2 days

This character comes from Takotchi Angel if you give it between 0 and 29 TP/AP. 

There’s a special trick here too: If you get Oyajitchi Angel two times in a row, something interesting happens. The second Oyajitchi Angel will turn into a Lucky Unchi-kun without a face when it dies. 

Twin Angels
Twin Angels
Twin Angels
Special9010pm – 8am4 days

You can get Twin Angels if you take really good care of either Chestnut Angel or Chubby Angel. For Chestnut Angel, you need to make 3 or fewer mistakes. For Chubby Angel, you can only make 2 or fewer mistakes. So you have to be extra careful with Chubby Angel if you want Twin Angels.

Cactus Angel
Cactus Angel
Cactus Angel
Special (JP)9011pm – 10am5 days

You can get Cactus Angel if you take really good care of Tarakotchi Angel. You need to make 3 or fewer mistakes while caring for it. This special character is only in the Japanese version of the game.

Smiling AngelSmiling Angel
Smiling Angel
Special (EN)9011pm – 10am5 days

You can get Smiling Angel if you take really good care of Tarakotchi Angel. You need to make 3 or fewer mistakes while caring for it. This special character is only in the English version of the game.

Shogun Angel
Special4011pm – 10am2 days

Evolves from Oyajitchi Angel with 0-4 care mistakes.

Lucky Unchi-Kun
Lucky Unchi-Kun
Lucky Unchi-Kun
Special9010pm – 8am4 days

Gen 1: Obtain Takotchi Angel and have it evolve into any adult.

Gen 2: Obtain the same adult again, and it will become a faceless Lucky Unchi-Kun on death.

Gen 3: Marutchi Angel always becomes Tamatchi Angel, obtain Ginjirotchi Angel and go through a good end.

Gen 4: Ghost Jr will evolve into a Lucky Unchi-Kun with a face after 5 days with 0-4 care mistakes.


Gen 1: Hold the A button while the device is powered on or reset and proceed through the display test, then have the device muted when the Angel hatches. Marutchi Angel always becomes Tamatchi Angel, obtain Ginjirotchi Angel and go through a good end.

Gen 2: Ghost Jr will evolve into a Lucky Unchi-Kun with a face after 5 days with 0-4 care mistakes.

Death (JP)   

In the Japanese version of the game, if you take really bad care of your Angel, you get Deviltchi. This is a bad ending.

In other countries, instead of Deviltchi, you just see a black egg. This happens if your Angel gets sick three times before it changes to its next form. For grown-up Angels that don’t change anymore, this happens if they get sick three times before they reach their normal age to die.

Growth Chart

Growth Chart
Tamagotchi Angel Growth Chart
Tamagotchi Angel Growth Chart
angelgotchi growth chart
Tamagotchi Pet Podcast

Frequently Asked Questions

The Tamagotchi Angel, also known as Tenshitchi or Angelgotchi, is a special version of the Tamagotchi virtual pet. Unlike the original, where you raise a creature from egg to adulthood, the Angel centres around caring for the spirit of a Tamagotchi in the afterlife.

While the gameplay is similar, there are some key differences. Firstly, the Angel focuses on the spiritual well-being of a Tamagotchi angel, not a regular pet. Secondly, it introduces new features like the Angel Power (AP) meter and the Deeds meter, replacing the weight and training meters respectively. Lastly, the Angel was the first to have a vibration sensor, adding an extra layer of interaction.

The Tamagotchi Angel expands the Tamagotchi universe by introducing the Tenshitchi Capital, a city in the sky where Tamagotchi spirits, or angels, reside after their time on the Tamagotchi Planet ends. These angels help care for the planet below, but some feel a pull to return to Earth and the humans who cared for them. You, the player, are chosen by one of these angels to guide them and help them spread joy.

The Tamagotchi Angel features angel wings on either side of the screen, often adorned with glitter. These wings can be silver or gold, depending on the colour variation of the device. The shell itself often has a unique pastel glitter look, further distinguishing it from other models.

The Angel introduces a new meter called Angel Power (AP), replacing the weight meter, which increases by feeding your angel candy. Another new addition is the Deeds meter, replacing the training meter. However, unlike the training meter, the Deeds meter does not affect evolution.

The "Shooting Star" game is the only way to fill the Effort meter on the Angel. In this game, you need to help your angel dodge falling stars. Successfully dodging three out of five stars results in a win.

Neglecting your angel's needs, such as forgetting to clean up after them or turning the lights off at the wrong time, can lead to sickness. Consistent neglect can result in your angel becoming a Deviltchi, a mischievous spirit, which is considered a bad ending.

The Tamagotchi Angel has two main endings: a good ending and a bad ending. A good ending is achieved by consistently caring for your angel and helping them live a fulfilling life. This results in a farewell scene where your angel ascends to heaven. Conversely, a bad ending occurs if your angel gets sick too frequently due to neglect, transforming them into a Deviltchi or a black egg/stone.